Moonlight Birth
Lori Gibson
Certified Professional Midwife, Licensed Midwife, Midwifery Bridge Certificate
Certified Professional Midwife, Licensed Midwife

Two Homebirth Birth Stories
Rachel shares more about her birth stories of Haven and Emmaline with Lori from Moonlight Birth in her own words below:
Haven’s Birth Story
My husband and I got married May 2015. We got pregnant December 2016. We were not planning the pregnancy. I remember suspecting my pregnancy after my period was a few days late. I took the pregnancy test and I was equal parts excited and terrified when I found out I was pregnant. When I finally told my husband I’m pretty sure he felt the exact same way! But once we had a little bit of time to think about it we were both very excited! It was fun being pregnant in December because our families either got an ornament or jewelry with a saying related to either being grandparents or great-grandparents.
Click here to read more and listen the rest of the story on "The Birth Hour" podcast.