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Two Homebirth Birth Stories

Rachel shares more about her birth stories of Haven and Emmaline with Lori from Moonlight Birth in her own words below:

Haven’s Birth Story

My husband and I got married May 2015. We got pregnant December 2016. We were not planning the pregnancy. I remember suspecting my pregnancy after my period was a few days late. I took the pregnancy test and I was equal parts excited and terrified when I found out I was pregnant. When I finally told my husband I’m pretty sure he felt the exact same way! But once we had a little bit of time to think about it we were both very excited! It was fun being pregnant in December because our families either got an ornament or jewelry with a saying related to either being grandparents or great-grandparents.  

Click here to read more and listen the rest of the story on "The Birth Hour" podcast.

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