Moonlight Birth
Lori Gibson
Certified Professional Midwife, Licensed Midwife, Midwifery Bridge Certificate
Certified Professional Midwife, Licensed Midwife

Birth Stories & Kind Words
I had the most amazing birth experience with Lori and her incredible apprentice midwives, Jess and Leandra. We met with many of the midwives in our area and they are all wonderful, but as soon as I met Lori I knew she was “The One.”

I'm SO glad we chose to work with Lori for our first pregnancy and birth. I felt SO supported and cared for every step of the way from the very first appointment at 8 weeks to preparing our home for birth to giving birth to the very last appointment 6 weeks postpartum where I cried like a baby because I was going to miss seeing her all the time!... Welcome Cabot River

Shortly after we moved to Fort Mill, SC, my husband and I found out we were pregnant with our second child. We weren’t even done unpacking all of our stuff before I saw those two pink lines. To say I was overwhelmed is a bit of an understatement. I didn’t even know what my birth options were. I had to do some research.
Our daughter was born at a birth center back in Missouri, so a birth center birth was my ideal. However, all of the birth centers were either too far away or didn’t accept Medicaid. I knew I didn’t want to give birth in a hospital, so I entertained the idea of a homebirth... Ezra's Birth Story
"I’m sure you have seen, as I have, many of the amazing stories posted to the internet from incredible mothers about their birth experiences, and that is simply awesome. I am always struck by the genuine emotion and feeling these women put forth in the expression of how one of the most intimate and special moments of their lives happened for them, and sharing that with the world. The vulnerability..." Jeremie's Birth Experiences
"To fully understand how much Lori means to my family and me you have to know a little back story. We had our first son on November 2nd, 2014 in a hospital. I had always loved the idea of a home birth, but it wasn’t an option for us since we lived in NC and were on Medicaid for the pregnancy (and honestly I didn’t even know it could ever be an option). It wasn’t the worst hospital experience, but it wasn’t what I wanted either..." Simon's Story Continues here
"I remember when Lori first decided to study midwifery. And when I became pregnant, my decision was obvious as to who I wanted to be a part of this adventure. Lori was there from the very beginning- one of the first people who knew we were pregnant. She was there through everything- every question, every “uh oh- what does this mean?” text..." Read more about Janelle, Stuart & Caleb
"When I found out I was pregnant I knew I wanted a more natural birth in the most comfortable space available. Since home births aren't legal in NC, I researched and found a birth center opening nearby. Once that was decided, I looked into hiring a doula for support, not only for myself but my husband as well. After a few failed interviews, I was starting to think we would never find a good match..." For the Birth of Tsehay
"When, for the first time in my life, I saw two pink little lines on a stick that I peed on I was overjoyed and instantly overwhelmed. Smiling and crying, I called an OB-GYN and asked if I could come in for a test to confirm that I was pregnant. I was met with a disinterested, robotic response that there was no need until I was 8-10 weeks along and they could transfer me to such-and-such to make an appointment. Deflated, I hung up the phone. I then remembered the birth center in Fort Mill and dialed the number..." Continue Stephanie's journey
"Lori was such a joy to work with throughout our prenatal care. She is one of the most kindhearted and caring people I know. That caring heart pours over into her work and she was there for me when it really counted. Our "Plan A" birth plan was not going to be the case with the birth of our son Luke - he was breech and a big boy. A c-section was scheduled and when Lori offered to be at the hospital with us I immediately took her up on the offer, and I thank God that I did!..." Carrie's story of joy
"Lori was present for the home birth of our son. Though much of it is a blur, I remember distinctly the moment while pushing when I reached the end of my strength. I looked at Lori and said, 'I can't do this. You do it.' Finding her inner strength
"Me and my husband Tito have known Lori for over 3.5 years now. From the first time we met we were touched by her warm energy and sweet personality. At that time I was pregnant with our first daughter. Everytime we would come for a prenatal visit with my midwife Christine it was a pleasure to see Lori greeting us, the bond grew stronger each time we saw each other and very shortly she felt like a close long-time friend.By the time I got pregnant with my second daughter Lori was getting her licence in midwifery..." Welcoming Mia Jolie
"In October 2013, I found out that I was pregnant with my fifth child. Although this was child number five, it was my first pregnancy. My first four children became mine through adoption, so when it came to carrying and delivering a baby, I knew nothing. I began prenatal care at an OBGYN's office, because I thought that was what everyone did..." Fifth child, first pregnancy
"Lori attended my first birth at CCMC as an apprentice. During that labor I was immediately drawn to her presence and calming nature. She gave me confidence to keep going and reminders to trust my body just when I needed them. She also gave me sound advice for surviving the early postpartum weeks..." Second Baby, Second Water Birth
"On June 18th at 3:41 in the morning, our littlest love was born. Emma Kate entered the world after a quick labor for this second time momma. As far as birth goes, hers was amazing. It was everything I wish my first birth would have been. But maybe our baby girl’s birth seemed so great because of the difficultly associated with my first birth experience. My best friend Kate described Emma Kate’s birth as redemptive, and I think the word redemptive perfectly encapsulates her labor and delivery.
Kate was with me and Stephen..." Redemptive Birth
"I always knew in my heart I wanted a natural birth, I just had to get the courage to do it and all it took was meeting Lori. My mom introduced me to Lori and I was blown away, which gave me the courage to say goodbye to my OBGYN. I had wonderful appointments with Lori as she is so kind and I felt like she was my therapist. She answered all my questions and concerns. We could talk for hours. She is so passionate about being a midwife you can see it when she smiles, it radiates out of her. " First Baby: Water Birth, Born En Caul
"My husband and I got married May 2015. We got pregnant December 2016. We were not planning the pregnancy. I remember suspecting my pregnancy after my period was a few days late. I took the pregnancy test and I was equal parts excited and terrified when I found out I was pregnant. When I finally told my husband I’m pretty sure he felt the exact same way! But once we had a little bit of time to think about it we were both very excited! It was fun being pregnant in December because our families either got an ornament or jewelry with a saying related to either being grandparents or great-grandparents."