Moonlight Birth
Lori Gibson
Certified Professional Midwife, Licensed Midwife, Midwifery Bridge Certificate
Certified Professional Midwife, Licensed Midwife

Fifth Child, First Pregnancy
"In October 2013, I found out that I was pregnant with my fifth child. Although this was child number five, it was my first pregnancy. My first four children became mine through adoption, so when it came to carrying and delivering a baby, I knew nothing. I began prenatal care at an OBGYN's office, because I thought that was what everyone did. As I started reading all those books that every woman reads when she's pregnant for the first time, I realized that I wanted to go the natural route, and I realized that I didn't want to do that in a hospital with a doctor I may or may not have gotten to know well during my pregnancy. From there I began researching midwives in the area. That's when I met Lori Gibson for the first time. She was helping on the business side at a maternity center while apprenticing and finishing her studies. I was so intimidated by the thought of dealing with all the insurance stuff, and Lori just took it all on for me. She made calls, she got answers to my questions, and she held my hand through all of that awful paperwork. I already thought the world of Lori for making my switch to midwifery care so painless, so when my midwife asked if it was ok for her apprentice, Lori Gibson, to assist with my prenatal care and delivery, I was THRILLED! Lori has such a warm, loving, calming spirit, and her passion for mamas, babies, and midwifery was apparent from the start. Her knowledge was also apparent. She answered all of my questions with answers that I could understand, and she helped to make me feel prepared and ready when the time came to deliver. I always looked forward to my prenatal appointments, not just to find out how the baby was coming along, but also because it meant getting to see my sweet friends, my midwives! That's who I wanted to deliver my baby- a friend. And, that's just how it felt on June 14, 2014, when our baby boy made his way into the world. On one hand I had these amazing midwives who were competent, who knew exactly when to take a step back and exactly when to stand right there beside us, who seemed to have a thousand tricks up their sleeves to keep things moving along as it should, and who never for a second seemed the least bit tired or bored or ready for a break. And, on the other hand, I had these dear friends who were genuinely excited to be with us on such a special occasion and to meet our little one as he entered the world. On our baby's first birthday, one of the first people I thought of was Lori, and how very special she is to me. God made Lori to be a midwife, and we are so very thankful she was ours." -Stefany