Moonlight Birth
Lori Gibson
Certified Professional Midwife, Licensed Midwife, Midwifery Bridge Certificate
Certified Professional Midwife, Licensed Midwife

Home Birth
Giving birth at home is as old as humankind. Only in the last century has birth been made a medical event. With great prenatal care from an out-of-hospital trained midwife, a healthy, active pregnancy and a good foundation of support, families can safely and comfortably welcome their newest member to the world in the comfort of a loving home. Learn more...
Prenatal Care
Postpartum Care
Natural birth doesn't necessarily end when the baby is placed into mama's arms. Your midwife will continue to be at your service in the first couple of months to assist with the transition to parenthood. Breastfeeding, diapering, and anything else that the newly expanded family has questions about are part of this service that will extend throughout the first 6 weeks of life and beyond. Learn more...
VBAC Assistance
It is important for mothers who have had a birth by Cesarean to understand that their bodies are capable of giving birth vaginally. Having a someone help prepare you prenatally and attend you during labor and birth increases the likelihood of giving birth vaginally. Learn more...
Sneak Peek®Clinical Early Gender DNA Test
Can't wait for the 20 week scan? Want to confirm whether or not the ultrasound was accurate? Don't want a gender ultrasound at all? Learn more here about how you can know the gender of your baby as early as 6 weeks!
Childbirth Education Classes
Everyone should have some education on what will happen to mama during labor, birth and the postpartum period. The parents-to-be as well as siblings benefit greatly when they have some sense of what is going on during this special, though normal, life changing event. Learn more...
What?! WHY? over the years we have seen the positive effects when mothers take their placenta in pill form as a supplement. For most people this helps ease the postpartum shifts from peaks and valleys to more rolling hills. Placenta pills have also helped increase milk supply. There are many vitamins, minerals and hormones in the placenta that can contribute to these affects, increase energy, replenish lost minerals such as iron, and can boost the immune system. While there are no scientific, randomized control trials related to this, we have seen the evidence! Encapsulation is a personal choice and an optional add-on service by Leandra Cail, CPM, LM. If this is something that interests you, ask away!